Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wedding Day Beauty: 4 Spa Treatments You Don't Want to Postpone

Your wedding day is coming up, and if you're like every other bride, you want to look fabulous for photos. That probably means going through several beauty treatments to prepare your hair and skin for the big day.

But, there are some you should not leave until the last minute - a small mistake or lack of proper healing time can leave your face looking red and blotchy. Take a look at these four spa treatments that will leave you looking radiant - as long as you give them proper time to heal:

chemical peels

chemical peels are an excellent way to smooth out and improve the texture of your skin. They are designed to help conceal blemishes, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin pigmentation. However, chemical peels can result in mild to moderate peel two to three days after treatment. Although it can easily be controlled with moisturizers, it still happens. It takes a week to begin to notice smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.

That said, there are several types of chemical peels that are suitable for a day before the wedding or special event, just make sure you consult with the salon staff member or physician before undergoing these treatments. Illuminize Peel, for example, using acid and alpha hydroxy acids for skin renewal Phylic with little irritation. Afterwards, peel, you will experience no down time and little to no peeling. And, it is suitable for all skin types.


This is true for the arms, legs, bikini, etc., but it is especially important for the brows and any unwanted facial hair. If you've never had your eyebrows waxed before, schedule a meeting several weeks before the wedding, then go in for a touch up 4-5 days before the big day. Or, if only a few stragglers, pluck them with tweezers to avoid the possibility of infection.

It usually takes one to two days for your skin to return to normal after waxing because the process leaves your pores are open and irritated. This means that it is much easier for them to get infected, it usually results in tiny pimples around the area. By giving your body extra days to adjust, you can ensure that they went to the day of your wedding.


If you've never had a facial before, or have not gotten one on a regular basis throughout his life, not to risk a week before your wedding. Facials can cause rashes, irritation, redness, or - especially if you're a first timer or have sensitive skin. It is essentially like trying a completely new skin product, you must give your skin time to adjust. If you want to get face to plan at least 10 days before the wedding.

If you are getting a face regularly throughout their adult lives and are confident that your skin will not react negatively, it is okay to do in the days leading up to the wedding. But, you should consider a steam facial, which gives you a glowing complexion and help relieve tension. Make sure you tell the salon that it was a week before the wedding, and they will be able to avoid giving you a little too abrasive.

Spray Tan

spray tan can be a wonderful thing, it gives your skin a healthy glow without you sitting in the sun and getting sun damage extended from the dangerous UV rays. Instead, you'll get a soft golden-brown color without the damage. However, as with the above treatments, spray tanning should not judge a week before the wedding because you never know how your skin can react.

to consider doing a test run about four weeks before the wedding. This will allow you to get a feel for what the spray tan will look, learn from any negative effects, and allow your skin to rejuvenate the negative consequences if they occur.

You should also make sure to choose a reliable shop that is well trained employees. Those who are well versed in doing spray tans can help you choose the perfect shade and are much more likely to result in a positive experience.


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